How to connect to VPN without an app

Do you want to connect to VPN without an app? Here's how you can do it. 

Password when it asks you:vpngatecurtis156unlock

Step 2:Pick a server you like. The lesser the pings, the better.

Step 3:Copy the server address of the server you want to connect to. 

Step 4:Go to your VPN settings, add a new VPN profile then in the Name section, type any name then in the Type section, select L2TP/IPSec PSK.

Step 5:Now, in the server address section, paste the server address you copied then in the IPsec pre-shared key, type vpn.

Step 6:Then on the forwarding routes section, type If you don't see Forwarding routes section then go to Advanced options and type in the Forwarding routes section

Step 7:In the username field, type vpn then in the Password section, type vpn and save it.

Step 8:Once saved, tap on the VPN name, then hit Connect and you're done. 
